Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Osho Heart Meditation

As promised  in my last post, here is the lovely heart meditation created by Osho. This will open new spaces in your heart, and will give you a new strength to go through the miseries of life. It is a big change of gestalt when you know that your heart can transform the misery into happiness.
Wow! Incredible.

First Stage: 5 minutes
Moving into the heart

Bringing your awareness to your body and breathing, feel yourself here and now. Then bring your awareness to your heart chakra, the energy center inside the middle of your chest. If it helps you, place one or both hands on your heart center.
Absorb each in-breath into the heart, pour each out-breath out from the heart.

Second Stage: 15 minutes
Begin with yourself
Start with your own misery, feel it with as much intensity as possible: the hurt, wounds and suffering in your whole life. Accept it and welcome it.
Breathe in your misery…absorb it into the heart…let it be transformed there into joy, into bliss. Breathe out all the joy, the blissfulness; pour yourself into existence.
You may express in sounds, words, gestures and movements what is happening inside you, or let it happen silently.

Third Stage: 15 minutes
Include all the people in the world

Now expand this process. Take the whole misery of all beings, unconditionally – friends, enemies, family, strangers. Accept and welcome it.
Breathe in all this misery and hell…absorb it into the heart…let it be transformed there into joy, into bliss. Breathe out all the joy, the blissfulness; pour yourself into existence.
You may express in sounds, words, gestures and movements what is happening inside you, or let it happen silently.

Fourth Stage: 15 minutes
Come back
Now completely withdraw your attention from the world, from others, even from yourself. Lie down, close your eyes, be silent and still.
The Book of Wisdom

Applying this in daily life
Once you experience how pain and suffering can be transformed into joy through the breath and heart, you may like to apply this method silently whenever people and events around you trigger the process.

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